Living to Learn (L2x2)

Living to Learn (L2x2)

butterflies of the world

How Do We Learn to Live Sustainably Through Life Long Learning?


This is a joint website for Drs. Ludmila Smirnova and Michael R. Edelstein, two educators dedicated to the principle of Learning to Live and Living to Learn (L2x2) 

Dr. Ludmila Smirnova

Ludmila has spent her life as a teacher of teachers and educational leader, advancing constructivist and collaborative learning methods and projects and, along the way, becoming an early pioneer of online virtual learning. Now retired and an emeritus professor, she is exploring many new personal dimensions of L2LxL2L.

Dr. Michael R. Edelstein


Michael recently retired from a fifty-year academic career as an interdisciplinary educator while studying the human (psycho-social) impacts of environmental destruction and disaster, including toxic contamination, climate change and mal development, as well as how to chart a sustainable alternative path. He is a pioneer in documenting Environmental InJustices including harmful impacts on indigenous people. Michael has also been a grassroots environmental leader for half a century. His focus in retirement is to finish projects and undertake new writing projects, as well as tame his wild gardens and orchard.


 Joint Projects

Ludmila and Michael have undertaken many collaborations in work and life. These illustrate what we mean by Learning to Live as well as Living to Learn. 


So this website is about learning. It is about the problems created by a failed modern paradigm and the general failure of social learning, personal learning, content learning and process learning that we have witnessed. And it is about the alternative path toward sustainability opened up by open and collaborative learning and a celebration of the successes we have witnessed in each of these realms. The transformation to a sustainable society is about achieving success in each mode of learning.

So join us in our quest to use learning as our way of the current failed modern paradigm.

  • Ours is a shared journey about how to live healthy, sustainable lives. And, particularly for Mike, a key focus of his lifelong work has been how to create ways of living for all of us that heal our relationship with nature while healing nature and ourselves. In order to do this, we need to be open to learning at all levels---individual, social, organizational, and institutional.

At the same time, learning to live only occurs if we live to learn. That is, we continue learning throughout life, recognizing that there is always much more to learn than we know. This drive for learning was an essential part of both of our educational philosophies, imparted to Mike’s environment, sustainability and psychology students and to Ludmila’s education students. No obstacle is too high or task impossible if we are willing and prepared to learn how to approach it. Particularly with today’s challenges---health, climate, pollution, food security, energy transition, … we need to be in full learning mode if we are to overcome, survive, thrive and flourish. We will unpack these issues and our own approach to them across this emerging site.

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